hickory smoked barbecued country ribs


hickory smoked barbecued country ribs


tender country pork ribs grilled in hickory smoke, glazed with our homemade hickory barbecue sauce; served with corn relish

Available at tuscany, mckinley hill
SKU: 100041-11 Categories: ,
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portion size

family tray (good for 5-7), party tray (good for 9-12)

Also Available in other Branches

Price 2,465.004,869.00
Price 2,465.004,869.00
Price 2,465.004,869.00
Price 2,465.004,869.00
Price 2,465.004,869.00
Price 2,465.004,869.00
Price 2,465.004,869.00
Price 2,465.004,869.00
Price 2,465.004,869.00

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